Lighting designer: The Flaming Beacon
Photographer: Derryck Menere



Lighting designer: The Flaming Beacon
Photographer: Derryck Menere


In the 18th century, on becoming a member of the ‘Sublime Society of Beef Steaks’, one was awarded a medal that depicted a ‘gridiron’ around which, were inscribed the words “Beef and Liberty’ (where the current gourmet burger brand gets its name).

It is within the context of the original medal, the design for the restaurant is informed. The medal is distilled back to the two original forms; the grid iron enclosed by the circle, and then reconstructed as a large textural ‘gridiron’ wall. A series of interpreted illuminated concentric circles of various scales which are centrally located on each of the corresponding silohuetted gridirons.

This 20th century gridiron wall both snakes through the space creating a variety of seating areas, but also placed within ‘cut-outs' along the wall are the various functions of the restaurant: show kitchen, bar, booth seating etc. Finally like the museum piece of the original medal, the walls hold the ‘older’ and damaged bowls and dishes, previously used within other Beef And Liberty restaurants, and are now re-cycled and re-purposed as decorative objects and art, ‘museumified’ and protected behind the iron wall.

Continuing the nod to the past, a wall of ‘lettered’ wooden blocks create an analog menu backdrop as a counterpoint to our ever increasing reliance on the digital world!

Completed winter 2017

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